
#bravehood is an aid project for children in Ukraine, initiated and developed by Guiding Light, a non-profit NGO based in Vienna. International bands including Coldplay, The Rolling Stones and REM provided lyrics for a charity collection online exclusively for a limited time. The campaign supports Unicef projects in the region.

Collection of Hearts
With the collection of unique hearts ‘representing how we are all different while also all the same’, we imagined different ways the hearts could potentially come to life across digital applications.
In order for the hearts to seamlessly translate from still to motion, we focused on making the movements upbeat and playful to match the tone of the rest of the campaign.
In order for the hearts to seamlessly translate from still to motion, we focused on making the movements upbeat and playful to match the tone of the rest of the campaign.
Motion Motifs
I joined the project in its later stages, collaborating with Szenario to develop a motion language that matched the rest of the campaign. Besides designing the individual movements, we imagined two different ways the hearts could interact with eachother.
Colors dance around the different hearts in a musical manner, creating a shared effect amongst the hearts to represent togetherness.
Dancing Colors
Colors dance around the different hearts in a musical manner, creating a shared effect amongst the hearts to represent togetherness.
Collective Movement
As one heart begins moving it slowly spurs the rest into motion. This movement communicated the concept of how a small individual action can help start a movment, and initiate collective change.
Collective Movement
As one heart begins moving it slowly spurs the rest into motion. This movement communicated the concept of how a small individual action can help start a movment, and initiate collective change.
Design Experiments
Sketches from the process that were utimately not chosen.